Gripple's Range of Applications
It is crucial to ensure that buildings and assets are properly protected and will continue to operate after a seismic event. Suspended non-structural building components are critical for the proper functioning of a building, and make up a high percentage of a building’s damage in a seismic event.Select an application for more information on how Gripple products can be utilised in your industry.
Installation with strength
Gripple New Zealand product range is perfectly suited for a range of bracing and suspension applications. Industry proven around the world, Gripple has been used as a fast and effective solution on thousands of installations around the world.
We can provide properly engineered bracing and isolation of these services, which is particularly critical for essential facilities that must remain operational in the aftermath of an earthquake or seismic event (such as hospitals, fire/rescue, water/power, etc.), or facilities representing a substantial hazard to human life.